
I think back
to the snowstorms I knew
in my younger days -
covering everything
in a foot-thick layer
of peaceful white.

We'd play in the snow,
not a care in the world;
and life was happy.

But these days,
the snow doesn't last
long enough;
and after it's done
it turns to slush
far too fast.

And the disappointment
at another could've been
saddens me.

Now, everytime I see
those first faint flakes,
I hope this snow will be the one -
the one that covers me
and my soul
in a peaceful blanket of white.

Snow falling down;
cover me -
put my mind at ease.

Lawrence R. Daffner, 11/93

Larry Daffner /
Last modified: Sun Oct 19 14:53:28 CDT 1997