Spring Break Suite

I. Lafayette

We pile into the rental car;
Four friends on an adventure -
a first trip westward.
The car piled high with
blankets, food,
and other supplies.
We wave our goodbyes,
and take off down the road,
Buzzing with talk
about how we can't believe we're doing this.

II. St. Louis

We cross the night-darkened Mississippi
looking out at the riverboats
their lights,
piled and stacked.
Ahead, the famous arch
gleams with a dim, metallic glow,
towering over the city;
over the waterfront,
with it's cobblestone streets
lined with bars that overflow with
hearty laughter and shouts.
This place
was underwater
just 6 months ago.

III. Missouri

Driving along roads
like deceptive snakes
twisting, turning,
and writhing over hills.
My eyes focus on the dashed white lines
tracking them as
they disappear
and reappear
in the flashes of headlights.

IV. Kansas

Long stretches of yellow
wave to us in the wind.
we see a huge oil well,
Apparently planted by mistake
sitting dormant,
waiting to creak to a start.

V. Oakley

Huddled together in a truck stop
frantically punching in telephone numbers
hoping for an exit,
and trying to forget about the wrecked rental car.
Our belonging piled carelessly in the corner,
we roam,
and wander
until our savior finally
drives up,
a big grin on his face,
and rescues us from Kansas.

VI. Colorado

We enter Colorado,
darkness holding a veil around us
until morning
when we look out and see
Tremendous, jagged mountains
with hats of snow
embroidered with trees;
making patterns
up the side of the mountain.
The sun shines brightly
through crisp mountain air.

VII. Going Home (Lafayette)

At the end of the week,
our memories are all packed up.
we begin the drive home
wishing Colorado not "Good Bye"
but "See you soon".

Lawrence R. Daffner, 3/94

Larry Daffner / vizzie@flamingpackets.net
Last modified: Sun Oct 19 15:01:36 CDT 1997